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Dr. Jean Marie Farish and 17 CoAuthors offer insights on how to cope and thrive in the world as we know it currently, while also sharing personal anecdotes of strength and resilience in the new bestseller "Be Love: A Conscious Shift to Birthing the Future." Visit

My Journey My Journal is a cutting edge journal co-authored with 214 empowering authors. Words of wisdom and inspirational thoughts guide you on your daily journey.

NEW RELEASE- My Joy Journal, a transformational book for children to uplift, inspire and spark their creativity


Mi Diario de Alegria My Joy Journal

Spanish version 

Co-Author, My Creative Thoughts, #1 International Bestseller. and inducted into the Bestselling Authors International Organization.

Co-Author - Are You the Missing Piece? Journal with International Best Selling Authors Across the Globe

-Co -Authors Radio Interview with Viki Winterton  

Contributing author Volunteerism in Malaysia: Fostering Civic Responsibility


Dr. Jean Farish is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Life Care Wellness PEP for Angels, Inc., As a Life Care Coach, educator, and self-help author, she is co-author in the #1 International Bestsellers, My Creative Thoughts and My Big Idea Book and inducted into the Bestselling Authors International Organization. In the book, Life Sparks, Life Stories that Illuminate, Inspire and Ignite, she is an authentic messenger co-author for the chapter, Coloring Life with a Spirit of Gratitude. She is also a Guest Author for the Blog and Sparks of Inspiration Positive Media Magazine. The February Issue of Sparks of Inspiration features her article , Sparks of Wholeness. Featured in this issue is her recently published book, Journey To Wholeness: Reflections for Transforming Your Life. She is featured on the cover of PUBLISHED! and BookMad Magazines for The Long Journey Home, an award winner of the global 4th Transformational Author Experience (TAE) Writing Contest. Journey to Wholeness Reflections for Transforming Your Life provides insights relevant to daily living with a personal life care plan A portion of the proceeds from this book will be donated to PEP for Angels. She has been featured on Midday Mississippi and Fox 40 Morning Show.

Dr. Farish served a six month tenure as Honorary Consultant in the Division of Industry and Community Network at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in Penang, the Pearl of the Orient; and volunteered at Lions REACh (Resource and Education Association for Children with Autism) a model program of service and community engagement. She is honored to continue he professional relationship with USM serving as Editor in the International e-Journal of Community and Industry Engagement. She is a contributing author in the book, Volunteerism in Malaysia: Fostering Civic Responsibility. Her educational contributions, community service, and civic engagement activities inspired her to make a difference through transformational writing and service. She teaches personal development and community enrichment classes. Her philosophy is centered on knowing thyself and consciously practicing the noble truths-right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. Through self-knowledge, self-realization, self-love and managing perpetual negative thoughts and self-defeating behaviors we can become more spiritually aligned -thus coming home to our true self.

She is the recipient of the Expert Insight Publishing Award for Best Selling Award Winning Books and the founder of PEP for Angels for children hospitalized with cancer. The setting for her book is centered in Penang, Malaysia.

Dr. Farish earned the Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master of Science in Rehabilitation Counseling from Jackson State University and Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Tougaloo College. She is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) and served 28 years in Higher Education as Professor and Chair in the Department of School, Community and Rehabilitation Counseling at Jackson State University. Dr. Farish expresses sincere gratitude to Prof Dato' See Ching Mey and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) for the unique professional experience and personal growth during her journeys to Penang, Malaysia. She also express gratitude to Prof Dato Anwar Fazal, founder of the Right Livelihood College at USM. She served as Honorary Consultant in the Division of Industry and Community Network at (Bahagian Jarigan Industri & Masyarakat) Universiti Sains Malaysia in Penang; and the Asia Pacific University Community Engagement Network (APUCEN), a regional network of Institutions of Higher Learning. She traveled with faculty and staff to Kula Lumpur, the remote village school-SK Gula Gula School in Perak Malaysia USM; Health Campus in Kelantin and Engineering Campus in Nibong Tebal; grand opening ceremony for the water supply project held at the Kampung Lengkar in Perak for the indigenous community; and visits to Viet Nam including Ho Chi Minh, city formerly named Saigon, and villages along the Mekong Delta. She worked as a team with the faulty and staff on community engagement with presentations on volunteerism. She conducted a seminar with hospital staff at Loh Guan Lye Specialist Center in Penang and attended community service centers in Penang. She volunteered at REACh ( Resource and Educational Association for Children with Autism) in Penang. Previous visits to Malaysia, she co-taught classes on multiculturalism on the main campus at USM in Penang and Universiti Malaysia Sabah (Kota Kinabalu). Her interests include humanitarian projects, cultural diversity, community engagement, and volunteerism. Inspired by her stay in Malaysia, she founded Life Care Wellness -PEP For Angels, Inc., Foundation for children hospitalized with cancer and to provide community enrichment activities. She offers classes at Millsaps College on Transformational Writing: How To Find Your Voice and Jump Start Your Career With Volunteerism. .She has served as a guest lecturer in the United States and abroad. Further journeys include trips to Oxford, England as a Round Table presenter and travel to Istanbul, Ephesus, Izmir, Bursa, Cappadocia, and Kayseri. Visiting the home of the Virgin Mary in Ephesus was a memorial experience. Dr. Farish serves on the Healing Arts Program Advisory Council and Patient and Family Advisory Council at University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC), Advisory Council for LIFE of MS, volunteers at New Stage Theater, and offers community enrichment classes at Millsaps College. She has recently been invited to serve on the International E-Journal of Community and Industry Engagement (IEjCIE) project for the Division of Industry and Community Network at Universiti Sains Malaysia in Penang, Malaysia.


-Author Exibitor -Mississippi Book Festival-Literary Lawn Party, MS State Capitol 

-New Class: SPIRIT OF LOVE offered at Millsaps College Community Enrichment Series Fall 2019

-MS Book Festival -Literary Lawn Party MS State Capitol Building

(August 2019)

-Author Success Story featured on Transformational Author Experience website

-Author Debut -Xlibris Guest Blog Sequel and Guest Writer


-AARP Book Festival-San Diego, CA

-Author Pitch Festival- Los Angeles, California

- Los Angeles Times Festival of Books/Book Gallery-Los Angeles, California

-AARP Spring Book Signing and Featured in Spring Book Gallery National Event and Expo Book Festival- Boston Convention & Exhibition Center- Boston, Massachusetts

-Tucson Festival of Books- Tucson, Arizona

-Miami Book Fair International

          AWARD WINNER




Showcased interview

-Interview aired on Write Now Radio

-Cover and Feature Story-BookMad Magazine Dec-Jan Issue
xcmtxn6bpa952x5/BOOKMAD Issue04_Dec2014-Jan2015_iOS_FINAL.pdf

App Store via iTunes

Google play


Author Interview Segments -WDBD Fox 40, Morning Show

WLBT Midday Mississippi

-FEATURE STORY posted by Christine Kloser, The Transformational Catalyst and author -Pebbles in the Pond


-Arts Day at the Capitol sponsored by MS Arts Commission

-EIPPY Book Award for My Joy Journal


- Global Broadcast My My Journey My Journal-Co-Author -ExpertInsights Publishing

-My Joy Journal -Co-Author

Global broadcast with C0-Author Viki Winterton

-Are You the Missing Piece -Co-Authors Radio Interview with Viki Winterton

-The Truth is Funny Radio (Transformation Talk Radio) Interview with Colette Marie Stefan

-Revealing Conversations with Petra Nicoll (Radio Show)

-LIFE SPARKS Life Stories to Illuminate, Inspire and Ignite (Authentic Messenger C0-Author) -Authentic Messenger Radio Interview with Catherine VanWetter 

-Life Care Wellness PEP For Angels, Inc. Cultural Arts Festival, Prime Time Show Time, UMMC Batson Children's Hospital

-Global Radio Broadcast Interview with Co-Author Viki Winterton Write Now! Radio

#1 Best Seller My Joy Journal and upcoming feature in PUBLISHED! Magazine

-Upcoming Book Launching and global radio broadcast -Co-author My Journey My Journal ExpertInsights Publishing

-Millsaps Community Enrichment COURSE OFFERINGS

-TransformationalWriting: How To Find Your Voice

- Jump Start Your Career with Volunteerism

-Cultivating Wellness and Wholeness in Everyday Living

- MAC Arts Day At the Capitol

-PRIME TIME FAMILY TIME storytelling series at UMMC Batson Children's Hospital

-Life Sparks Magazine (Meet the Authors)

-Are YOU the Missing Piece? Don't Leave a Hole in the World (to be launched October 2017) -International Bestseller and winner of he Elite Award for Literary Excellence (Expert Insights Publishing) Meet The Authors Radio Interview with Viki Winterton

-Guest Author for Sparks of Inspiration Magazine February Issue -Sparks of Wholeness

-Guest Author Sparks of Inspiration Positive Media for Everyday Life


Life Sparks Life Stories to Illuminate, Inspire and Ignite Edition #1 -Authentic Messenger Co-author- Coloring Life with a Spirit of Gratitude Bestseller

- Featured in the upcoming fall -Spirited Women Top pics

-Check out ...My Tribute to Life Sparks 

Co-Author-My Big Idea Book

188 Rare Insights from Top Professional, Entrepreneurs and Thought Leaders Revealed On Living with Passion and Purpose #1 International best-selling book and won the elite award for literary

Profits from Amazon Kindle sales will be donated to a world literacy charity

Book signing event in Boston, Massachusetts

Speaker at Jackson-Hinds Eudora Welty Writers Festival

Engaging conversation with patron at Eudora Welty Writers Festival

Fun moments with fellow authors at the Authors Pitchfest in Las Vegas

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