Dr. Jean Marie Farish and 16 Co-Authors offer insights on how to cope and thrive in the world as we know it currently, while also sharing personal anecdotes of strength and resilience in the new bestseller "Be Love: A Conscious Shift to Birthing the Future." She is Bestselling Authors International Member and Board member.
Visit http://bestsellingauthorsinternational.org/dr-jean-farish.html
YouTube Link... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy45EeWCNY
Global Radio Interview On-Demand Be Love: A Conscious Shift to Birthing the Future

The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one's feet-Lao Tzu
Would you like to share your gifts and talents to enrich lives and serve our community?
Would you like to reclaim yourself through the healing art of transformational writing?
Do you have a daily practice that inspires expressions of loving kindness and gratitude?
Would you like to free yourself from being stuck in old patterns and beliefs?
Are you interested in finding your purpose through volunteerism?
Are you interested in transformational writing?
Are you interested in personal self-mastery?
Does your organization need a boost for wholehearted connections?
For more information submit your request on the Contact Page on my Website
You are invited to explore pages on my Website to learn more about Life Care Wellness PEP For Angels, Inc., books, and inspirational resources. Access my new book, Living in the Spirit of Love Website: https://authorwebservices-gem.net/BalboaPress/804511/
Empowerment begins with self-love, self-forgiveness, and affirming life-giving thoughts to ourselves and others. By helping ourselves we can help others more and contribute to a better world.
Loss and change are universal experiences that present unique challenges of coping, letting go, and taking daily steps to recover. I invite you to visit my Blog, Meditation and Loss and Recovery Model where you will find resources for inspiration. My published and co-authored books are also helpful tools for personal development and self-mastery. Download a free copy of the My Personal Transformational Framework and VoiceAmerica
LOVE LIGHT Newsletters .
For Individuals, Groups and Community
-Personalized Life-Care Coaching
-Self-Mastery Classes/Workshops
-Community Enrichment /Healing Arts Projects
-Writing Analysis/Review
To experience positive transformational changes in your life, personalized coaching sessions are available included packages for 3 months, six months and 12 months. A 20-minute Introductory Call is available.
(Three month, Six Month and Twelve Month Packages Available)
Opportunities to learn, share and grow
-Transformational Writing: How To Find Your Voice
-Jumpstart Your Career with Volunteerism
-Cultivate Wellness in Everyday Living
-Cultivate a Lifestyle of Love
-Self-Love and Worthiness
-Transformational Leadership
Transformational Relationship
Educating for Purposeful Living
(Fees available for individuals and groups)
Spirit of Love Class
" I enrolled in Jean’s ‘Transformative Writing’ class about 3 or 4 years ago. The sessions were engaging, and I was inspired
to write more. But daily demands did not allow me to write as much as I would have liked after that. But I thought of
Jean often and how she encouraged me to write no matter what. I was tickled at this time to take another of her classes;
this one, though, about Love. I had no idea what to expect and was glad to know she had written a book, ‘Living in the Spirit
of Love,’ that would be used in class. I ordered it and was able to read and go over the assignment even though I missed the first
class due to tech difficulties. That did not matter at all; we have more than made up for that. Jean’s class offers every
opportunity to think, write, do, and be about Love. It has indeed been ‘transformative’ because I wanted to contemplate
Love from a different perspective with hopes of attracting more of it. The ingredients of Love that Jean sets out in the book
cause self-reflection and the exercises bring about selfawareness. The weekly assignments and interactions with Jean have set me
on my path to greater patience and freedom, and ultimately, greater self-love. I recommend this class to everyone who wants to
uncover the ‘diamond within’ so they can love self and others with a renewed spirit.
Thank you, Jean for being “all about Love.”
- Rhonda Cooper
I really loved this class! Dr. Jean Marie Farish's book, "Living in the Spirit of Love" was just what I needed during this period. I've always been a seeker of truth and the book expanded my knowledge on LOVE emphasizing it as "Our Natural State of Being". The book also magnified the truth about LOVE in a way that helps the reader to understand that LOVE starts with you and your self-care. I now understand that you really can't love anyone properly until you truly learn to love yourself. It offered a framework that empowered me with knowledge how to grow and choose LOVE on a daily basis"-Anonymous
Transformational Writing: How To Find Your Voice
"Dr. Farish knows how to encourage and empower her students. She sees the emerging writer inside and works her magic to coax him or her out!'- Ryan Cook
-+Of all the things we did, I especially loved the 100 Life Events assignment. I call this list "My Bucket List for Writing." Everyday events from the past and present are prompts for writing; even predictions for the future."
"This class helped jump start me into my writing. I can't wait for Part 2"
"Transformational Writing with Dr. Farish has truly been inspirational and soul revealing. She is an amazing professor and her class will provide a beautiful community of writers, creating a safe place for you to discover who you are as a writer, what you want to write, and then how to go about it at your pace. No regrets whatsoever!"
-Aida S.
"The class was so helpful. The focus on the completion of a personal project and group input /critique sets this class apart"
-Leanitra W.
"This Transformtional Writing class --Finding Your Voice, was the most interesting and cathartic process I have ever done. Recommend it highly for all people trying to find their voice. Now that I've found mine, can't wait to use my imagination"
-Beverly C.
"I really appreciated insights from other students and your sweet encouraging nature. I learned I need to find a way to give myself more structure!"-Katie E.
This includes an exploration, assessment of writing style and review of proposal and chapters.
(Free 20 minute Discovery Session)
Healing Arts Projects projects enable us to use our expressive creative skills and talents to enrich lives and serve our community. In partnership with the Mississippi Arts Commission, we hosted the PEP For Angels 'Prime Time Family Time' storytelling series and the PEP For Angels Cultural Arts Festival 'Prime Time Show Time' for children, family, staff and caregivers at UMMC Children's Hospital. These projects were entertaining, uplifting, and provided educational and cultural enriching performances by a variety of artists who were truly engaging and provided hands-on interaction. The theme, Laughter Is Healing was evident as smiles were seen on the faces of many who attended these events. Evaluations proved successful with many feeling a better connection to the community. Testimonials from some of the Artists are highlighted on Healing Arts Projects web page. I am offering a free 20-minute Discovery Session to explore your interests and desires. (Visit Website Page on Life Care Wellness PEP For Angels, Inc.)
My new project, In the Spirit of Love, is a collection of anonymous reflections, experiences, and insights about Love from people around the world. Share and submit your thoughts. The first 25 people who submit will be gifted free copies of my book, The Long Journey Home.

Choose the question(s) that you would like to address and submit to my email jean72farish@yahoo.com
Using your senses of taste, touch, smell, hearing and sights, capture the essence of a powerful loving heart-warming experience, memorable encounter or observation.
Express how this experience or encounter invokes the feeling of love and makes you feel good when you reflect on this experience in the present moment.
Share your meaning of love.
What lesson(s) have you learned about love?
Feel free to add additional comments.